Tour & Taxis Brussels
Spring 2026

Features and seminars 2024

Wednesday 29 May 2024

15:30 - 16:30

Quels critères pour choisir des matériaux plus durables

Camille Mommers, Natura Mater


Did you know that 50% of the ecological impact of a project comes from the choice of materials? That's why more and more architects and interior designers want to specify more eco-responsible materials!

But how do you assess the ecological impact of a material? What criteria should you pay attention to? Should you give priority to natural or recycled materials? What labels should you trust? And how do you prioritise your choices, taking your budget into account?


For the past 4 years, Natura Mater has been helping architectural projects to incorporate as many sustainable materials as possible. Drawing on this experience and their in-depth knowledge of more than 500 eco-responsible materials, they will be offering a guide to help you choose the right materials for your next project. Don't miss this opportunity to get involved in the construction of tomorrow.


Seminar in French

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15 & 16 May 2025

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