Tour & Taxis Brussels
Spring 2026

Features and seminars 2024

Thursday 30 May 2024

17:30 - 19:00

Search for Identity through Architectural Innovation

Michiel Riedijk - Neutelings Riedijk Architecten (Founder & Architect)


Neutelings Riedijk Architects explores the transformative power of architectural design, reshaping the urban landscape through architectural identity and innovative expression. With a focus on both iconic and sustainable buildings, including projects like Gare Maritime in Brussels, MAS in Antwerp, or Sound and Vision in Hilversum (NL), Neutelings Riedijk balances tradition with cutting-edge innovation. Their works reflect their commitment to excellence in design and sustainability. They delve into how expression and materialization serve as a means for identity while maintaining environmental integrity. Drawing from their expertise in designing future-proof buildings, the office showcases how to foster vibrant and welcoming urban spaces. By sharing strategies to navigate the complexities of urban projects and address challenges, Neutelings Riedijk inspires architects and designers to chart new clear paths in shaping the future.


Seminar in English

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A@W Kortrijk

15 & 16 May 2025

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